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Personal Values

I seem to constantly tweaking this, trying to get it just right. I guess what that means is this page is always going to be a work in progress…

My personal philosophy is founded on the following values:

  • I believe that one person can change the world.
  • I believe in courage and personal sacrifice.
  • I believe in service.
  • I believe in the arts.
  • I believe in love in all of its myriad forms.
  • I believe equity is a verb.
  • I believe in curiosity.
  • I believe in honor.
  • I believe in giving grace to others as well as myself.
  • I believe that mistakes are opportunities to learn.
  • I believe in free speech.
  • I believe in punching Nazis.
  • I believe in magic.
  • I believe in questioning the status quo.
  • I believe in justice for all.
  • I believe in the importance of wild places.
  • I believe in science.

Above all else, however, I believe in kindness.