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On a new path…

Posted by on 07/11/2023

After much introspection during my recent sabbatical, I’ve decided to embark on a new journey. On August 11th, I will step down from my role as IT Director at the city, a position I will have held for thirteen years and one day.

This journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. I’ve had the privilege of meeting incredible individuals, learning invaluable lessons (some of which were very unexpected), and contributing to my community and those who needed me.

Now, I find myself yearning for a fresh start, a new challenge. What that looks like, I’m not entirely sure yet. But what I do know is that it must align with my deeply-held values – the belief in the transformative power of technology, the importance of diversity, the courage to question the status quo, and above all, the practice of kindness. I’m seeking a role that excites me, nourishes my spirit, fuels my creativity, and allows me to share the wisdom I’ve accumulated over the past three decades with a people-first organization whose mission I truly believe in.

As I stand on the precipice of this new chapter, a quote by Lao Tzu resonates deeply with me:

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

I am thrilled about the possibilities that lie ahead and can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.

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