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Posted by on 01/23/2009

I ordered a Lenovo S10 Netbook (Black) directly from the company yesterday. They had the best overall price and I splurged and go the 6 cell battery as well. 

I am planning to upgrade the system with a new HD and additional memory as noted HERE.

Total cost to the system is $460.00 including the upgrade. I can buy six of them for what I pay for a single Dell Laptop at work… We will see if the value is there. 

I wan to be able to dual boot the system between Ubuntu and XP Pro in order to make it a demo system for Open Source code at work. I am also hoping that the size and portability will allow me to drag the laptop from meeting to meeting and take notes at work. 

I normally work with a 15″ Mac Intel Powerbook running OSX and VMWare Fusion for my work apps ( We are a Windows shop at the County…) 

Anyway, that’s the plan and I will report back on what I find with the upgrade, install and operation!

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