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Long Overdue Update

Posted by on 02/14/2011

Well, it  has been a while!

Needless to say I made it to Oregon and back in November the girls joined me. We have a little rental in Gresham and the job is amazingly wonderful. We are very happy to be back in the PNW seeing favorite places and lots of old friends.

The New Year has brought us typical NW weather with ample rain and a few cold snaps just to keep us on our toes.

I am reading a lot about backpacking and am working on getting my legs under me so when the weather lifts a bit, I can hit the trail, maybe even with my favorite four legged buddy. Lots of good places to go and things to see. I plan on recording a lot of my adventures  here.

More updates, and photos and such as the adventure picks up again!

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