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Kayak Dreams

Posted by on 03/09/2011

I think the trip to the coast broke my brain a bit. I seem to be daydreaming about sea kayaks again. I miss my boat which I sold when we moved to New England about 5 years ago. It was a Necky Pinta, my first kayak and a boat I really loved despite it’s tendency to turn like a barge in the winds.

Picked up a copy of Sea Kayak Magazine with lunch on Monday and was dreamy eyed for the rest of the day. This was proceeded by a weekend viewing of “This is the Sea # 3” which is a wonderful documentary about the sport.

So, I have been researching possible new boats. My options are a bit limited as my size makes finding a boat rather challenging.

Right now I am looking at:

  • Tiderace Xplore X
  • Current Designs Solstice Titan
  • Wilderness Systems Tempest 180

All are beautiful boats, but i am leaning toward the Tiderace as a starting place. The reviews are excellent and they have one at Alder Creek Kayaks here in Portland. Maybe I’ll schedule a test paddle!

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