Author Archives: admin
My Friend Marcus
Since I first read it in college, Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations has always been a gentle guide for me on how to navigate the swirling currents of life. In these chaotic times, his words feel as comforting as sitting by a campfire with an old friend, sharing a pipe and a glass of good whiskey while … Continue reading
Why I Hate “The Common Cold”
ses. The Cold will lie to you every damn time, whereas with The Flu, Covid, Marburg, or even The Chicken Pox, you know you’re sick. Continue reading
Messin’ with the AI
Me If it takes half a hen half an hour to lay half an egg, how long will it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle? The AI If it takes half a hen half an hour to lay half an egg, we can infer that the hen … Continue reading
Just wanted to post a shot of my best boy and constant companion, Dipper. My furry buddy, who is constantly teaching me what is best in life.
A Tale of Simplicity
An American businessman was standing at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish. “How long it took you to catch them?” The American asked. “Only … Continue reading
Quote of the Week
“That was a hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck.” – Jake Tapper, CNN
I had seen some signs that we might have a raccoon visiting the back deck, so I set up the trail camera to see if I could catch him wandering through. I was really surprised to find we had a whole “Gaze” of them. I suspect it is a little family of three. I love … Continue reading
Bastille Day!
This morning was awesome and so very apropos given today’s date. So, in celebration of my own liberation I say to you – “Vive la liberté en cette journée de libération! Je vous souhaite le meilleur!” ** (Long live freedom on this day of liberation! I wish you the best!) PS – I don’t speak … Continue reading